Animal, Nature and Travel Stock Photography by Rolf Hicker
Professional animal, nature and travel stock photography by award winning full time photographer Rolf Hicker
I'm a full time professional photographer and offer a wide range of high quality animal, nature and travel stock photography, fine art photo prints plus informative travel tips.
Enjoy browsing through my digital stock library of over 17,000 immediately downloadable photos and the supportive travel information accompanying them.
Use my site to plan your photo vacation. Discover little known places and learn helpful travel tips collected over many years of touring the world. Check out the travel photo galleries for New Zealand, Canada, Alaska, USA, Galapagos Islands, Europe, Germany, Italy, France, Spain and others. My photos of animals including bears, eagles, birds, whales and other animals.
All images are rights protected and require a license BEFORE they are used. I do offer a free license for non commercial use of my images for private websites. However, you must provide a valid link to (any gallery page) on your website and credit the photo to "Rolf Hicker Photography". To apply for a license contact me via the "Request Photo License" button underneath each photo.
As you may note I have made the decision to display Ad's on my website. Ad's often add valuable information from our sponsors. Moreover, they allow me to maintain this website and share the many travel photos with you that explore our remarkable world.
Please check out my new website at Rolf Hicker Photography
Photo Galleries of the week
Some Picture Galleries from my online photo archive
Seasonal |
![]() Gallery: Dolphin Pictures |
Specical Themes |
![]() Gallery: Nature Pictures |
Locations |
Canada |