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California Pictures

Selection of California pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 223 photos in this photo gallery.)

The tiny life forms of the Badwater Basin in Death Valley National Park of California, USA.
One of the many interesting attractions in Death Valley National Park is the Devil's Golf Course.
A couple enjoy sunrise in Death...
Scottys Castle is siituated in the...
A pretty christmas wreath in a shop...
Dramatic clouds spell the arrival of...
Interestin pictures of clouds in...
A sign showing that the Badwater...
A long stretch of road leading into...
The Avenue of the Giants is a forest...
The interesting formations in Mono...
Death Valley in California is one...
The arid landscape of the desert...
Desert Gold is one of the yellow...
One of the most impressive state...
One of the many types of cactus found...
Jet streams are highlighted by the...
Situated in the arid desert landscape...
The Teddy Bear Cholla is a cactus...
A mix of dark cloud and light clouds...
The diverse ecosystem and landscape...
A picture of a cloud formation near...
A cactus to be admired from afar is...
A wave explodes in dramatic style...
The interesting formations at the...
The famous giant trees in the...
A sign showing the earths lowest...
Different coloured minerals on the...
The information center at Furnace...
Situated in Death Valley National...
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