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Germany Pictures

Selection of Germany pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 485 photos in this photo gallery.)

Interesting Photo galleries related to "Germany Pictures"

The European village of Putzbrunn holds an annual festival called the Maibaumfest in South Bavaria, Germany.
The Bavarian people use a crane to help secure business signs at the Maibaumfest in Putzbrunn, Germany.
The decorative flags are historic...
These poles support the Maibaum as it...
This sign is being attached to the...
The Maibaumfest is an historic German...
The dances performed around the...
The victory of the raising of the...
This man from Putzbrunn is one of...
The Maibaumfest has a variety of...
The finale of the Maibaumfest...
The audience watches the activities...
A Bavarian man secures a sign to the...
The Maibaum is at the centre of the...
The wreath is placed around the...
The blue and white pole raised at the...
Part of the finale of the annual...
The historic pole known as the...
The finishing touches of greenery are...
The Maibaum is a painted pole which...
The Maibaumfest is a historic German...
The crest of a local club is marched...
The Bavarian people attach local...
The signs attached to the Maibaum...
The finale around the Maibaum is...
The audience in Putzbrunn gathers to...
The painted blue and white pole is...
The crowd patiently watches as the...
A German man from the village of...
The dances are part of the grand...
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