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Oregon Pictures

Selection of Oregon pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 243 photos in this photo gallery.)

A stunning display of an ocean roller seen from Ecola State Park along the Oregon Coast, USA.
The wind whips at the top of a Pacific Ocean roller along the Oregon Coast, USA.
A skilled artist giving a...
An artist of glass blowing at the...
A finished art sculpture on display...
The Cape Meares Lighthouse is level...
The power of the Pacific Ocean was...
Row after row of large ocean waves at...
A super big wave on Cannon Beach in...
The wind blows against big ocean...
The view of Cannon Beach, Haystack...
A stunning view from Ecola State Park...
The Pacific Ocean reflects a...
Looking north from Cannon Beach...
The Cape Meares light was built in...
The finishing touches are added to an...
The Lincoln Glass Center in Oregon...
A well weathered piece of driftwood...
A photo of the stunning ocean scenery...
A demonstration of glass blowing at...
A woman demonstrating glass blowing...
Two glass artist demonstration how...
A glass blower artist at work at the...
The rugged Pacific Ocean along the...
A glassblower at the Lincoln City...
A glassblowing artist is assisted at...
A demonstration of glass blowing is...
One of the many tools used for...
An artist becomes a demonstrator of...
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