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Utah Pictures

Selection of Utah pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 174 photos in this photo gallery.)

A single lone needle formation in the Arches National Park is backdropped by the La Sal Mountains in Utah.
Steps lead up to Turret Arch in the Windows Section of Arches National Park in Utah, USA.
A collection of stunning sunset...
A beautiful sunset over ice fringed...
One of the most beautiful place for...
The Balanced Rock in Arches National...
More like etchings rather than...
The Cyanobacteria or Cryptobiotic...
A duck paddles in an unfrozen portion...
Towering pinacles dot the landscape...
A lone duck and a wisp of clouds over...
A mesa on the canyon floor at...
A stunning view over the Canyonlands...
The intriguing canyon landcape of...
The famous Windows Section of Arches...
Eagle Beach is situated in the...
For the best pictures of an overview...
These ancient sand dunes are seen...
The view of the Windows Section in...
A picture of the Fiery Furnace in...
A stunning sunset in the clouds near...
The Three Gossips are situated in the...
Stunning colours of pink glow above...
The world famous Balanced Rock...
The pavement road through Canyonlands...
Spindly winter grasses line the lake,...
The glow of the needles at the Fiery...
A bare tree and brown grasses make...
For stunning views over Canyonlands...
The Fiery Furnace gets its name from...
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