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Washington Pictures

Selection of State Washington pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional travel photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 331 photos in this photo gallery.)

A stream wends its way through lush rain forest trees and plants in the Queets River Area on the Olympic Peninsula of...
The Olympic Peninsula of Washington is strewn with pockets of rain forests and pristine streams.
One of the many pristine rain forest...
The lush flora of the Boreal Forest...
A road heading into the temperate Hoh...
An example of the variety of plants...
A picture of a fall leaf resting on a...
A constant cycle of water rushes...
A path leads through the temperate...
The moss covered trees in the...
A photo of a rain forest stream in...
Several droplets of water form from...
A photo of oysters on ice at the...
A stream situated in the Queets River...
Moss covered evergreen trees in the...
The sun rays stream in through an...
Also known as the boreal forest the...
Some small streams in the Queets...
The dense rain forest opens up as a...
The frosted undergrowth at the Hoh...
The water from a stream converges...
Brown autumn leaves litter the banks...
While spending your vacations in...
The Queets River Area on the Olympic...
The underneath of a leaf found in the...
One of the pristine rainforest...
A selection of brown autumn leaves...
Several fall leaves held together by...
A rainforest is full of living plants...
The information centre at the Hoh...
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