An adult Australasian Gannet who appears to watching over his colony, stands on a high rock cliff at Muriwai Beach on the North Island of New Zealand as the sunset lighting starts to diminish. With one eye on his fellow mates, the other eye keeps a close watch on us and the camera, but the gannet remains still while we capture his picture.
Hundreds of gannets nest below which look like a mass of white spots, this soon multiplying when all the chicks have hatched. Visitors to Muriwai Beach are amazed when they see the Gannet Colony on the rocks, soaring above the cliffs and the close encounters where the beautiful markings are very prominent.
Gannet, Morus serrator, at the Muriwai Gannet Colony during sunset, Muriwai Beach, Muriwai, near Auckland, Waitakere, West Coast, North Island, New Zealand.
Technical Information:
I photographed this photo with the digital SLR camera model Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II, aperture of f/9.0, exposure time of 1/60 sec. on ISO 100, as always I used a original Canon Lens, the focus lenght for this picture was 43mm.