Heading home after another day of fishing as sunset begins to take over the waters off Northern Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada just as a pod of Orca appear. This fishing boat takes time out to do a little Orca watching as this pod decides to leisurely swim past.The clouds and skyline possess a pinkish tinge at sunset as the remaining sunlight glistens off the fins of the Orca as they surface. Swimming as a tight knit family group, the resting Orca give whale watchers and fisherman the ideal photo opportunity.This is not an uncommon sight in the months of June until September for fisherman off Northern Vancouver Island. Some people believe that where there are Orca, then it is not a good place for fisherman but others believe that if the Orca are around, then so are the fish.Many stories have been passed on around the waters off Northern Vancouver Island about the Orca and they still continue on as the Orca return to these waters every year. ... continue below the picture...
... Many whale watching tours are available to take passengers out to see these majestic mammals in their natural environment. Fishing boats, whale watching boats and even cruise ships do not seem to affect the Orca as long as everyone abides by the whale watching guidelines.Killer Whales off Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, Orcas at sunset
Technical Information:
I photographed this photo with the digital SLR camera model Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II, aperture of f/5.6, exposure time of 1/250 sec. on ISO 400, as always I used a original Canon Lens, the focus lenght for this picture was 180mm.