The massive tail fluke of this Sperm Whale is the last thing you will see as he makes another deep dive into the depths of the waters off the South Island of New Zealand. Searching the waters off Kaikoura in New Zealand for the resurfacing of the Sperm Whale makes the adventure even more exciting.
One of the deepest diving whales, a Sperm Whale averages approximately 4,000 feet per dive and sometimes will not resurface for close to an hour. This is where one must be very patient while whale watching but you never know when another family member might appear.
This particular Sperm Whale is known as Saddleback and is one that is regularly seen on the whale watching trips with Whale Watch Kaikoura. The tail fluke of a Sperm Whale is usually between 4 to 4.5 meters wide and is a triangular shape that they lift very high out of the water before their deep dive. Humpback whales are identified by the tail fluke but a Sperm Whale is recognized by the contour traits of their fluke and dorsal fins. ... continue below the picture...
Kaikoura, New Zealand is one of the best places to view a Sperm Whale and a tail fluke is often seen from the shore.
Sperm Whale, Physeter macrocephalus, named Saddleback seen during a whale watching excursion with Whale Watch Kaikoura, Kaikoura, Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand.
Technical Information:
I photographed this photo with the digital SLR camera model Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II, aperture of f/6.3, exposure time of 1/250 sec. on ISO 100, as always I used a original Canon Lens, the focus lenght for this picture was 250mm.