Who every said that there was never any time for romance in the middle of the day. This pair of Hooker's Sea Lions seem to be getting along just fine as they roll around in the sand and bask under the sunny skies of New Zealand.
The sandy beach along New Zealand is a favorite place for Hookers Sea Lions to play, roll in the sand, catch a few rays and partake in some romance.Many breeding Sea Lion colonies are found along the coastal shores of the South Island of New Zealand where you can observe this mammals in their natural habitat. Breeding season is a fascinating time to watch the Hookers Sea Lions as romance is the first item on their agenda and this couple is not the only ones making use of the sandy beach.
As an adult, a female Sea Lion is considerably smaller in size than the male and has a coat that is a light grey hue. The males are brown in color with some being a softer shade of brown and others being a richer chocolate color. ... continue below the picture...
... One should always be leery of approaching too close to any wild animals but these Hookers Sea Lions are extremely strong and can lunge at unwanted visitors at any time. Their eyes are never taken off of the surrounding area and they always have their guard up.
Keep your distance, snap pictures or just watch the Sea Lions in action. Who knows what will come out of this day at the beach as romance seems to be the only thing these Sea Lions seem to have on their mind.
New Zealand Sea Lions (also known as Hooker's Sea Lions), Phocarctos hookeri, along the beach in Molyneux Bay in the Catlins along the Catlin's Highway, Southern Scenic Route, Otago, South Island, East Coast, New Zealand.
Technical Information:
I photographed this photo with the digital SLR camera model Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II, aperture of f/7.1, exposure time of 1/640 sec. on ISO 100, as always I used a original Canon Lens, the focus lenght for this picture was 170mm.