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Phocarctos hookeri (12 stock photos)

Photo gallery for Phocarctos hookeri, the scientific name for the New Zealand Sea Lion.

A typical New Zealand animal is the Hooker sea lion, the sea lions are best seen in the southern aprt of the South...
A small group of Hooker's Sea Lions - a male and two females lie on a beach in the Southland region of New Zealand....
A large Hooker's Sea Lion bull is...
A Hookers Sea Lion, native to New...
Watching a New Zealand Sea Lion at...
A pair of Hookers Sealions interact...
Two Hooker Sea Lions cuddling on the...
Two Hookers Seal Lions cuddle on the...
After a swim in the water, a New...
A New Zealand Sea Lion resting on the...
This wildlife photo was taken on the...
Two New Zealand Sea Lions sun...
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