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Eastern Canada

Pictures of Eastern Canada Provinces, including all Provinces east of Manitoba, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 1336 photos in this photo gallery.)

The tiny town of Fleur de Lys is situated at the end of Highway 410 on the Baie Verte Peninsula in Newfoundland,...
Footprints stroll along the beach at Katherine Cove in Lake Superior Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada. This is a...
Fall colored leaves surround the...
A pristine stream cascades over the...
A species of seabird with several...
A close up view of an iceberg reveals...
The Shades of Autumn near Rock Lake...
Fort Anne was built in 1634 and is...
The Changing of the Guard at the...
The rifle firing demonstration is...
A large Canadian flag flies in the...
A tourist uses binoculars to get a...
The sun dips behind the horizon and...
A Moose, proper name Alces alces,...
One of the those difficult and...
The Dramatic Cliffs below the Cape...
The Rock Balancing is a columnar...
The sunset turns the sky to shades of...
A series of footprints in the white...
When you stand at the Veterans...
The Alexander Graham Bell National...
To a fly fishing person, if there are...
As the Humpback Whale comes up out of...
A woman paddles a canoe on the Mersey...
The Life Preserver bearing the famous...
The Memorial Church, built in the...
At twilight the lights of the...
The vibrant fall colours of yellow,...
A surreal image of Peggy's Cove...
The Historic Old Town Clock stands...
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