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Manitoba Pictures

Selection of Manitoba pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 222 photos in this photo gallery.)

Peering over a rock, a cute polar bear keeps an eye on his visitors while resting in Hudson Bay near Churchill in...
About as close up to a polar bear as you want to get for a portrait picture near the town of Churchill in Manitoba,...
A relaxed animal in its element,...
Unperturbed at having an audience, a...
A true symbol of global warming is...
Various animal pelts hang from the...
A beluga whale rests peacefully on...
Journey across the tundra on one of...
Polar Bear tours in Churchill,...
Two polar bears spend the day play...
Standing out against the brown arctic...
The frigid cold temperatures of the...
A statue commemorates the Polar Bear...
You can expect a true adventure when...
Situated at the junction of two...
The Mennonite Heritage Village is...
An old stone church which is...
The historic building which houses...
The state of the art building which...
A family of polar bears walk across...
A male snowy owl identified by its...
Two Polar Bears engage in a round of...
A ptarmigan with its white plumage...
These cute polar bears were all lined...
A large polar bear checks out the...
A polar bear treks over the uneven...
A young polar bear rests while posing...
A mother polar bear leads her cubs...
A visit to the polar bear habitat of...
Two sub adult polar bears engage in a...
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