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Manitoba Pictures

Selection of Manitoba pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 222 photos in this photo gallery.)

A breed which was once close to extinction, the Canadian Eskimo Dog has now increased in numbers since the 1970's.
A Polar Bear on the hunt as he sniffs around the tundra near the shores of the Hudson Bay in Churchill, Manitoba.
A Polar Bear looks as though he has...
Tourism has become very popular...
A winter sunset in Churchill,...
Atop the rocks near the Hudson Bay in...
In the cold temperatures of the...
People attending a photo workshop...
Covered in the winter ice, the...
A spectacular display from the...
Barely visible against the winter...
The Polar Bear has an extremely good...
Peek-a-boo games are not what a Polar...
The following is some basic...
The Arctic Fox is an animal that...
A Polar Bear upon a frozen lake along...
A Polar Bear family consisting of a...
The snowy weather around the Hudson...
This picture was taken in Churchill,...
Along the coastline of the Hudson Bay...
Churchill, Manitoba is an excellent...
Posing for this picture was not what...
A curious polar bear or a hungry one...
A bus makes its way along the road in...
Business continues on a daily basis...
A close up of the the massive big...
A relaxed polar bear looks cute...
A warning to stay clear, an angry...
The diet of a polar bear is varied...
A favourite food for a polar bear are...
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