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Ontario Pictures

Selection of Ontario pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 733 photos in this photo gallery.)

Spencer Smith Park and Waterfront Trail was full of flowering trees during spring in Burlington Ontario
These flower pictures were taken at the Ottawa Tulip Festival in Ontario Canada
The real Canada Fishing experience -...
Taking time out sitting on the...
The Cullens Gardens & Miniature...
Stock photo of a tulip at the unique...
Photo of tulips on Parliament Hill at...
Stock photo of a metal art in the...
Photo of the city of Toronto in...
Stock Photo of the Niagra Falls -...
Chairs at sunset on Lake Huron in...
Aerial photographed from a Beaver...
A photo of a native american indian,...
Photo of the Niagara Falls in...
Native American Culture celebrated by...
A romantic couple looking over the...
Italian men sitting on a bench in...
Photo of the Maid of the Mist Tour...
A photograph of the Old Fort Williams...
American Native Exhibit at the Parry...
Niagara Falls are a popular tourist...
Stock Photo of Ouimet Canyon in Ontario
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