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Quebec Pictures

Selection of Quebec pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 741 photos in this photo gallery.)

The Montreal City Hall, Hotel de Ville in French, is situated along the Rue Notre-Dame in Old Montreal, the historic...
Fall colored leaves surround the Riviere du Diable and Chutes Croches, a waterfall and river in the Parc national du...
One of the those difficult and...
The vibrant fall colours of yellow,...
A beautiful autumn scene unfolds...
The dramatic colours of the leaves on...
La Chute is a gorgeous natural...
A Black Wild Boar wandering around...
A Timber Wolf, more commonly known as...
A large and graceful Fin Whale can be...
The soft colours of the Gaspesie...
Surrounded by beautiful fall foliage,...
The largest of the provincial parks...
Fall is a delightful time for camping...
Designated a Canadian National...
The lively and beautiful City of...
With an area of approximately 8...
Once fall arrives in Parc national du...
A gravel road, completely fringed by...
The blue and white provincial flag of...
Colorful Autumn trees surround a...
A picture of an Arctic Wolf lazing...
Relaxing in the sunshine of Parc...
The Autumn colors of the forest...
A cute raccoon sits amongst the fall...
The shades of Fall decorate the...
A natural work of art which is...
Canoe adventures on Lake Monroe in...
A waterfall along a river that winds...
On the lakeshores of Lac de...
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