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Newfoundland Labrador Pictures

Selection of Newfoundland Labrador pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 1085 photos in this photo gallery.)

A two masted sail boat makes for a fun playground along the harbour front in the town of St Anthony, Newfoundland.
Shrimp, crab, and lobster boats are often tied up in the St Anthony Harbour, right outside residential homes.
A couple overlook the town of St...
A couple enjoy a hike through the...
A couple take a break from hiking the...
A slab of ultramafic rock called...
Ultramafic rock peridotite that was...
Part of the Grenfell Historic...
The best option for exploring the...
On one side of the highway leading...
A rare sight to see an inukshuk on...
A camper is a great way to travel to...
A town steeped in history, Bonavista...
Being one of the few places on earth...
The west coast of Newfoundland has...
Panorama photo of Quirpon Island...
Pack ice can be seen on a foggy day...
Brilliant shades of orange is the...
A glorious sunset over a pond along...
Grooves, gouges and trickling water...
This picture shows a perfect example...
Taken in the town of L'Anse aux...
A Bogdan fly fishing reel and fishing...
A woman enjoys some fly fishing in...
A couple stands by the wooden railing...
This Pitcher Plant was photographed...
A tourist wearing a floral hat sits...
The Norstead Viking Site, which is a...
A great iceberg rises out of the sea...
A group of Atlantic Puffins nest on...
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