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Newfoundland Labrador Pictures

Selection of Newfoundland Labrador pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 1085 photos in this photo gallery.)

Built in 1892, the Lobster Cove Lighthouse and the building has stood on the cliff overlooking the waters off...
The Point Amour Lighthouse sits along the coastal shores of L'Anse Amour in Southern Labrador and is deemed as a...
The St. Anthony Lighthouse sits atop...
The Point Amour Lighthouse in the...
As you travel along the rocky...
A helicopter lands near the summit...
As two moose wander close to the road...
The red, green and white building...
The Point Amour Lighthouse is a...
Rugged coastline and interesting...
Encompassed by fog, the historic...
Pack ice fills Conche Harbour on the...
The ferry pulls away from the wharf...
When arriving at the Norstead Viking...
Mile 0 of the Trans Canada Highway...
Best friends is what seems to make...
A picture that thrills fishermen is a...
Set amongst geological wonders, the...
The perfect wilderness destination...
One of the main forms of...
The harbour of St Juliens in...
Visitors to Pinware River Provincial...
A display of Inukshuks on the shores...
Between the two towns of Red Bay and...
Fishermen preparing to board a...
The wilderness surrounds the gorge...
The Tuckamore Lodge near Main Brook,...
Standing along the coastline of...
A man spends his day knee deep in the...
Pack ice fills the Strait of Belle...
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