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Pictures Of Atlantic Canada

Photo gallery for pictures from Atlantic Canada including Newfoundland and Labrador and the Maritime Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, photographed by Rolf Hicker. (There are 1154 photos in this photo gallery.)

The Historic Old Town Clock stands alone in the grounds of the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site in downtown...
Windows of the Port Royal National Historic Site near the town of Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, Canada, are used to...
Two Atlantic White Sided Dolphins...
Whale watching is a very popular...
Two Atlantic Puffins, proper name...
Two Long Finned Pilot Whales, proper...
Two Atlantic Puffins stand on Bird...
Among the many market stalls at the W...
Large chunks of ice float away from a...
A weekly event which has taken place...
A beam of sunlight at sunset streaks...
Along the Southern Labrador coastline...
A domestic cat who resides at the...
As night settles in around Battle...
In the historic fishing village of...
Battle Island in Southern Labrador,...
The waterfront boardwalk takes...
Historic buildings dot the landscape...
Brilliant colors fill the sky at...
As the sunset hues take over the sky...
Sculpted daily by the ocean, as well...
The sweeping, scenic coastline of the...
The scenic Mersey River meanders...
Eddies and swirling foam form at the...
A relaxed cat sleeps soundly on the...
One of the landmarks in the city of...
Construction of the City Hall...
Alderney Landing in Dartmouth is a...
Plunging over the steep sided walls...
With a wide sweeping beach of large...
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