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Mammal Pictures

From bears to cats and whales to seals there are in excess of 5,000 species of Mammal known. Here you will find a selection of pictures of just a few mammals found around the globe. (There are 1813 photos in this photo gallery.)

A large polar bear drinks from a still ice-free pond near the shores of Hudson Bay in Manitoba, Canada.
The brown and barren looking landscape which fringes the shores of Hudson Bay in Manitoba, Canada is polar bear...
By 11 months old, this cute little...
A group of enthusiastic photographers...
This picture gives one the impression...
Passangers are thrilled to see...
A playful polar bear cub play bites...
A group of tourists get a close...
They call them polar bear watching...
An adorable picture of Canadian...
A portrait of a tired looking polar...
Food is the main train of thought for...
A large Polar Bear, having just woken...
A cute and curious polar bear cub...
Standing on hind legs, this curious...
This unique animal named the Arctic...
Soft teddy bear ears and cute face...
An inquisitive polar bear checks out...
Taking his curiosity to another level...
A laid back polar bear relaxes on the...
Peering over a rock, a cute polar...
About as close up to a polar bear as...
A relaxed animal in its element,...
Unperturbed at having an audience, a...
A true symbol of global warming is...
An amazing glow fills Weynton Passage...
Tourists love to get the thrill of a...
After surfacing, two Orca slowly...
Off Northern Vancouver Island in...
The sun brightens the coastline where...
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