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Eastern Canada

Pictures of Eastern Canada Provinces, including all Provinces east of Manitoba, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 1336 photos in this photo gallery.)

A couple of canoes hauled out on the bank of the Oxtongue River near the Ragged Falls in the Oxtongue River-Ragged...
Fishing boats tied to the brightly painted sides of the wharf in the harbour of the small town of North Rustico in...
A Wood Duck floats upon the surface...
Yellow tinged or white petals...
The colorful buildings and houses...
The Seal Island Bridge is a fine...
A truly fascinating picture after a...
A canoe rests upon the shores of...
Amazing scenery and miles of ocean...
Wood turtles slowly make their way...
Top of the line stores fill the Cours...
A billboard over the entrance to the...
A vision of beauty is the sunset...
A waterfall known as Dickson Falls in...
A typical foggy day at Battle Harbour...
Reversing Falls on the Saint John...
During the Autumn season, this nature...
An old dock, fishing boat and fishing...
A bird of beautiful colors known as...
As the ice slowly thaws and...
Solitude - lone footprints in the red...
A glowing yellow sunset over the...
Red, orange and yellow hues adorn the...
Small islands, icebergs and unique...
Footprints sink into the sand along...
The bright blue color of the Hyacinth...
A lifeguard chair on the sandy beach...
This woman has the chosen the ideal...
A unique sculpture called the...
The finale to the Summer season has...
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