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Eastern Canada

Pictures of Eastern Canada Provinces, including all Provinces east of Manitoba, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 1336 photos in this photo gallery.)

As the sunset hues take over the sky above L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada, dark clouds tinged with pink...
Seen from Agawa Bay, the glorious bright sun hovers on the horizon of Lake Superior, spreading the last rays of light...
From a viewpoint below the Long Point...
The sun's rays skim across the water...
By booking an iceberg watching tour...
Sculpted daily by the ocean, as well...
Autumn begins to take over the...
The scenery along the trail to Ragged...
Canoeing Rock Lake in Algonquin...
Amongst the trees along the Whiskey...
The vibrant shades of color decorate...
Fall is a delightful time for camping...
The sweeping, scenic coastline of the...
Considered one of the most beautiful...
The popular Lighthouse tourist route...
The scenic Mersey River meanders...
Eddies and swirling foam form at the...
A relaxed cat sleeps soundly on the...
Apparently a dog used to receiving...
One of the landmarks in the city of...
Construction of the City Hall...
Alderney Landing in Dartmouth is a...
Plunging over the steep sided walls...
With a wide sweeping beach of large...
Hemmed in by sheer cliffs of the Long...
A 4 kilometre (return) long trail...
There are a multitude of trails...
Consisting of a barren like...
One of the best ways to see Western...
Stunning scenery and ancient geology...
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