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Eastern Canada

Pictures of Eastern Canada Provinces, including all Provinces east of Manitoba, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 1336 photos in this photo gallery.)

Kayaking adventures around icebergs, there is hardly any better place to do some kayaking around icebergs than the...
Situated at the heart of Gros Morne National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the town of Rocky Harbour is a...
Designated a Canadian National...
Recounting more than 400 years of...
The lively and beautiful City of...
With an area of approximately 8...
Once fall arrives in Parc national du...
Sculpted by waves and wind, Perce...
The blue and white provincial flag of...
The national symbol of Canada, the...
The Battle Harbour Inn is the ideal...
The relatively shallow waters of...
The wide sweeping beach of Pancake...
The Mersey River in Kejimkujik...
To travel along the Mersey River in a...
In areas along the banks of the...
Reflections of the wilderness trees...
A wooden footbridge makes crossing...
A kayaker makes his way along the...
Canoeing the Mersey River in...
Historic buildings dating back to the...
Tourists wander through the Quay at...
The cannon gun firing at the Fortress...
A military procession marches in the...
A man dressed as a Commanding Officer...
The soldiers dressed in their...
The grounds at the King's Bastion at...
A cannon gun guards the King's...
The bell tower adorns the historic...
A costumed interpreter explains how...
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