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Manitoba Pictures

Selection of Manitoba pictures, photos and photo galleries, photographed by professional photographer Rolf Hicker. (There are 222 photos in this photo gallery.)

An Arctic Fox, proper name Alopex lagopus, forages for food on the tundra landscape of the Churchill Wildlife...
Camping is a popular activity all across Canada as a vacation and for tourists it's also a popular attraction; people...
A father spends some quality time...
Two costumed interpreters, recreate...
The American Bison and the European...
An adult male species of cattle is...
A Polar Bear (sometimes known as a...
The meeting of the setting sun and...
An almost unbelievable display of...
A Cenotaph, a monument to the...
As a prime fishing and recreational...
The Visitor Information Centre in the...
A bright full moon casts beams of...
Global warming and climate change...
A statue entitled 'The Pondering...
Through early ice break up in arctic...
A unique composition, vivid Northern...
A glorious sunset lights the evening...
Threatening storm clouds loom above...
The colourful facade of the Holy...
The Golden Boy statue sits on top of...
Covering an area of 2,973 sq. km,...
Silhouetted by a beautiful sunset...
Under the lush green trees, a...
A cute Polar Bear statue is one of...
The top of the dome of the Manitoba...
A bust of George-Etienne Cartier, a...
A statue of Jon Sigurdsson, a patriot...
Clouds hover above the rocky...
A pool of water starts to become...
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